Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dock Diving at Cottage Life Show, Mississauga, ON

Wooohoooooooooo!!!!!!!! Only 2 more sleeps until the first Dock Dogs event of the season. Lenny, Chic, Cathie & I will be at the show Fri, Sat & Sun. We're helping out on Fri. Lenny won't be in any waves until Sat & Sun. And, he's going to try EV (Extreme Vertical - high jump for dogs) for the first time on Sat. . . .I'm so excited . . . . I think he'll do great . . . . he's not called Leapin' Lenny for nothning!!!!! Not sure yet if Chick is going to try any waves. Stay tuned for results & pics/clips.


Heather, aka: Mum said...

Chic looks GREAT!! It would be SOOO cool if there was an event when the FitzGerlds are in town!! Ha...only 13 more sleeps but who's counting!! Hug Aunt Mary for me :) & Lenny & chic too ;)

Love H

Heather, aka: Mum said...

:):):) WOW - I noticed the new addition of "Blog Buddies"!! Nifty!! :):):)